In the iconic Broadway show, "The Music Man," Mayor Shinn keeps telling the youth to watch their 'phraseology' - that the words they use matter and that they should show respect for their elders. In a market fraught with buzzwords and jargon many do not understand let alone leverage properly, this advice continues to be true.
Buyology - Truth and Lies About Why We Buyis the title of the bestselling book by Martin Lindstrom, in which he explores, among other topics, how to optimize one's brand based on neuroscience. From his own Website, "This groundbreaking new science will revolutionize our understanding of our own buying behavior and send shock waves throughout the marketing and advertising industries and the business world as a whole. A subject they never taught you in school, you’re about to discover your own ‘buyology’." I have not heard the marketing world come crashing down yet. It is always good to explore new approaches, however, and discover, as I often do, that I learn something new every day, and today it may have been that what I learned yesterday was wrong. That's useful, humble education.
If you are ready to 'translate consumer brains into brand action,' that's great, and we can help you get inside those brains. We still encourage you to develop sound online marketing strategies based on your core knowledge of customer and prospects needs, attitudes, and behaviors, and then translate that into engaging user experiences and practical solutions that exceed expectations. We'll promise to use phrases and approaches all stakeholders will understand, and deliver measurable results. That's our theory of buyology.